What is orthopedic treatment? Orthopedics is a disease involving bones and muscles and the skeletal system and orthopedic surgery is a type of surgical treatment. Prof Dr. Abu Zaffar Chowdhury Biru Orthopedics Specialist is one of the best orthopedic surgeons in Bangladesh. He holds MBBS and MS (Ortho) degrees. He also does a Fellow in Arthroscopy & Replacement Surgery from England. Professor Dr. Abu Zaffar Chowdhury obtained a Fellow in Arthroscopy & Sports Medicine from India. He is the Chairman and Head of Orthopedics at BSMMU. He is currently providing treatment at two private hospitals in Dhaka. Today we will know about him in detail, where and when he sees the patient, and how to get his serial.
Professor Dr. Abu Zaffar Chowdhury (Biru)
MBBS, MS(Orthopedics), Fellow in Arthroscopy & Replacement Surgery from England
Fellow in Arthroscopy & Sports Medicine From India.
Specialties: Specialist in Orthopedics, Arthroscopy, Arthroplasty & Trauma Surgeon
Designation & Position: Chairman & Head of the Department of Orthopedics in BSMMU
Prof Dr. Abu Zaffar Chowdhury Biru Orthopedics Specialist Dhaka
Consultancy Hospital Address and Phone Number – 1
Hospital Name: Labaid Specialized Hospital
Address: House No – 06, Road No – 04, Dhanmondi, Dhaka
Chamber Location: Room No – M-56
Consultancy Days and Times: Saturday, Monday, Tuesday & Thursday (4 PM – 9 PM)
Friday: (10 AM – 11.30 PM)
Hotline For Appointment: 10606
Consultancy Hospital Name, Address & Phone Number – 2
Hospital Name: Uttara Crescent Hospital
Hospital Address: Holding No – 40, Rabindra Sharani Road, Sector – 07, Uttara, Dhaka
Chamber Location: Level-3, Room No – 303. 306, 307
Consultancy Times: Sunday & Wednesday ( 4.00 PM – 09.00 PM)
Visiting Times: Saturday – Thursday 11.00 AM – 01.00 PM)
Call For Information: 01816 147144
Call For Appointment
Consultancy Fees For New & Old Patients
New Patient Consultation Fees: 1500 Tk
Old Patient Consultation Fees (Within 3 Month): 1000 TK
Report Follow up Fees(Within 5 Days): 500 TK
For All Kind Of Surgery Information Contacts with Mozammel Hoque Shazu, Personal Assistant of Prof. Dr. Abu Zaffar Chowdhury (Biru). Phone Number: 01616- 147 144. You Might Like The Best Orthopedics Specialist in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Orthopedic surgeons perform this treatment without surgery or with the help of surgery. Bleeding in the brain, spinal diseases, sports injuries, degenerative diseases, infections, tumors, and congenital diseases are covered under this branch. In addition, the diseases that are treated in the spine or spinal diseases, sports-related injuries, degenerative, infections, tumors, and congenital disorders. In addition, in the early days, orthopedic children worked to correct skeletal defects. At present this branch has undergone extensive improvements. Among the treatments given is Any type of fracture or bone fracture, Hip replacement, Knee replacement, Joint problems, Arthritis External fixation, Shoulder surgery, Ankle and elbow surgery, Skull surgery, Spine Surgery, Pediatric, Musculoskeletal, and Oncology.