LIONS Eye INSTITUTE & HOSPITAL address contacts doctor List

Lions Eye Institute & Hospital is the most pride project of the Bangladesh Lions Foundation. It is located in Lions Tower3/c, Begum Rokeya Sarani, Agargaon, Dhaka-1207. Lions Eye Hospital was established on 6th May 1976 with approval from the Ministry of Health and Family welfare. It was later upgraded into an Eye Institute on 8th August 2004 & was named as Lions Eye Institute & Hospital. This hospital is situated on its own land. Different types of services are provided in this hospital. One of them is eye treatment. Any eye problem is treated here by an experienced physician. Moreover, there is a low-cost outpatient treatment system. Below see the Lions Eye Institute & Hospital address contacts doctor List.

LIONS Eye INSTITUTE & HOSPITAL address contacts doctor List

The Lions Eye Institute and the hospital also have in vitro retina, refraction, dental, medicine, ENT, pathology, X-ray, orthopedics, physiotherapy, blood bank, eye camp, outpatient and emergency departments. The hospital also has diagnostic services, pathology services, hospital services and other services.

LIONS Eye INSTITUTE & HOSPITAL address contacts

Lions Institute and Hospital services

  • Replacement of various quality lenses by low cost specialist physicians.
  • Phaco Operation.
  • Sophisticated phaco operation through foldable lenses.
  • Conjunctival operation.
  • Oblique eye surgery.
  • Treatment and operation of in vitro retina disease.
  • Treatment of all corneal diseases and corneal augmentation.
  • All types of oculoplastic surgery.
  • Ophthalmology of pediatric patients in special arrangements.
  • Affordable cost of pathology test and X-ray facility.
  • Cheap prices glasses and medicine supplies.

Lions Eye Institute & Hospital address contacts doctor List

Other Facilities of Lions Eye Institute and Hospital

Optic Shop: The Lions Eye Institute and the hospital have an advanced and modern optic shop. You can find any type of glasses here at affordable prices. It is located on the ground floor inside the hospital. Here you will find all the necessary products including high-quality spectacle frames and spectacles.

See the details of vision eye care hospital.

Pharmacy Shop: Hospital Pharmacy Shop was opened in 1998. There is a pharmacy as well as an optic shop. Where you will find all kinds of medicine you need. All types of Ophthalmic medicine/drugs including relevant general medicines with foreign imported medicines are available in the Pharmacy at a reasonable price for patients.

OPD: Lions Eye Institute & Hospital Outdoor Patient Department (OPD) system started from the beginning of the Eye Hospital project at Mirpur in 1976. Here you can take the advice of any specialist doctor by paying a fee of only 100Tk. Lions Eye Institute and Hospital also have two shifts. The evening shift starts from 2:00 PM to 8:00 PM every day except for holidays and Sundays. The morning shift is open every day from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM.

You might also know Islamia eye hospital.

Contact with Bangladesh Lions Foundation

House: Lions Tower3/c, Begum Rokeya Sarani, Agargaon, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh
Phone: +88-02-48121272, +88-02-48118864

Lions Eye Institute and Hospital Doctor’s Profile

Professor. Dr. Shahinur Rahman
Title: Director-General
Experience: 20 Years of Phaco Surgery

Prof. Dr. Md. Liakat Ali Talukder
Designation: Professor(Current Charge) of ophthalmology
DEGREE: MBBS (DMCH), DO, MPH(community ophthalmology).
Experience: 23 Years.

Professor Dr. Md. Shahidul Haque
Designation: Professor(Current Charge & Deputy Director)
Publications: 14
Experience: 24 Years

Dr. Rinku Paul
Designation: Associate Professor

Dr. Rezaul Karim
Designation: Associate Professor(Current Charge)
DEGREE: MBBS, MCPS(Opthalmology), DO.

Dr. Sohana Sharmin Gazi
Designation: Associate Professor

Dr. Mohammad Zafrul Hassan
Designation: Associate Professor(Current Charge)

Dr. S.M. Rejwan Raju
Designation: Associate Professor(Current Charge)

Dr. Asma Rahman
Designation: Assistant Professor

Dr. Md. Quamrul Hasan
Designation: Consultant

Dr. Afroz Jahan
Junior Consultant (Medicine)

Dr. A.H.M Ehsanur Reza
Designation: Assistant Registrar

Dr. Shajeda Akter
Designation: Medical Officer
Training: PGT EYE

Dr. Md. Atiqur Rahman
Designation: Medical Officer

Dr. Kakoli Dey
Designation: Medical Officer
DEGREE/Qualification: MBBS

Dr. F.M.A.H. Maria
Designation: Medical Officer

Dr. Md. Shafayet Jamil Mithu
Designation: Medical Officer

Dr. Hanif Md. Rakibul Hasan
Designation: Medical Officer
Qualification: MBBS

Dr. Ismail Hossain
Designation: Medical Officer

Dr. Shuva Barua
Designation: Medical Officer

Dr. Md. Mukhlesur Rahman Khan
Doctor Type: Pathologist

Dr. A.F.M Saifur Rahman
Designation: Anesthesiology Consultant

Dr. Tapan Kumar Gosh
Designation: Sr. Dental Surgeon
Designation: BDS

Dr. Shamima Islam
Designation: Dental Surgeon
Specialist: Dental Specialist

Prof. Lt Col (Retd)Dr. Md. Shafiul Alam
Designation: Sr. Consultant (ENT)
Department: Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT)
Specialty: Specialist in ENT

Dr. Md. Rejaul Karim
Designation: Honorary Medical Officer

Doctor List Source: Official Website of Lions Eye Institute & Hospital

Hospital Services of Lions Eye Institute and Hospital

  • Well Equipped Advanced Eye Institute & Hospital
  • Multispeciality Modern General Hospital
  • Intensive Care Unit(ICU)
  • High Dependency Care Unit (HDU)
  • Dialysis Unit
  • Well Equipped world Class OT]Economical & VIP Cabin Facilities
  • General Beds with AC and Non AC
  • Emergency Observation Beds
  • Central Oxygen Supply Facilities
  • Quality Assured Self Service Cafeteria
  • Well Equipped Physiotherapy
  • 24 Hours Emergency

We are giving here all kinds of hospital information. You can get the information of any hospital by visiting our site. There are also profiles of the largest specialist doctors in the country.

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