Kingston Hospital Dhaka Address Phone Number and Doctor List

Kingston Hospital Dhaka Address Phone Number and Doctor List. It’s a privet hospital in Dhaka. This hospital located at Mirpur Pallabi near Kalshi in Dhaka. This hospital has specialists in almost all departments. Kingston hospital located in the north of Dhaka provides good treatment at a low cost. Here are the details including the address of the hospital, phone number, and names of the doctors. All the doctors mentioned below provide medical services in this hospital. You can find out the details of the service you need by calling the numbers below.

Kingston hospital address and phone number with doctor list

Address: House 51-54, Road 01 & 02, Block-D, Shahidbag,
Mirpur -12, Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh
Mobile Phone Number: 01952-989866, 01952-989877
Ambulance Services: 01991140281, 01991140253
phone: +88-029032951

Kingston Hospital Dhaka Specialist doctor list

Name: Dr. Mazharul Islam (Sohel)
Degree: MBBS (Dhaka), FCPS(medicine), MACP (America),BCS (Health)
Specialist: Medicine
Visiting Hours: Saturday: (5:00 PM to 7:30 PM) and Friday: (8:00 PM to 9:00 PM)
Contacts for serial : +88-029032951

Name: Col. Dr. Md. Kabir Uddin
Degree: MBBS, MCPS (Medicine) FCPS (Medicine),
FCPS (Pulmonology) Respiratory
Specialist: Medicine
Higher Training in Turkey, CMH, Dhaka
Visiting hours: 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM

Name: Prof. Capt. Dr. Rukhsana Parvin (Retd.)
Degree: MBBS (Dhaka) MRCP (UK) Professor of Medicine
Enam Medical College & Hospital, Savar, Dhaka.
Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 7:45 PM to 9:30 PM
Doctor Chamber- Kingston Hospital Dhaka

Kingston Hospital Dhaka Address Phone Number and Doctor List

Name: Dr. Mohammad Imtiaj Mahbub
Degree: MBBS, MD (Endocrinology & Metabolism) Diabetics,
Thyroid & Hormone Specialist Associate Professor
Rajshahi Medical College & Hospital
Visiting hours: Saturday: 11 AM to 12 PM

Name: Major Dr. Md. Abdullah Al-Mamun
Degree: MBBS, MD (Endocrinology), MACE (USA) Dialectology & Endocrinology Diabetes,Thyroid, Hormone & Medicine Specialist
Visiting hours: Sat, Mon, Tue & Wed: 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Available in Kingston Hospital Dhaka

Name: Dr. H M Mustafizur Rahman
Degree: MBBS, FCPS (Medicine), MD (Nephrology) Medicine, Diabetes,
High blood pressure & Kidney Specialist Department of
Nephrology Dhaka Medical College Hospital, Dhaka
Visiting hours: Saturday to Thursday: 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Available in Kingston Hospital Dhaka

Name: Dr. A.N.M. Abdul Hai
Degree: MBBS, MD (Nephrology) Specialist Medicine & Kidney National Institute of Kidney Disease & Urology
Available in Kingston Hospital Dhaka

Name: Md. Tufayel Ahmed
Degree: MBBS, MD ( Nephrology), BCS (Health) Consultant, Nephrology Department Shariatpur Sadar Hospital
Visiting hours: Sat, Sun & Monday: 04 PM to 06 PM Friday: 05 PM to 06 PM
Available in Kingston Hospital Dhaka
Contacts for serial: +88-029032951
Specialist: Neuromedicine

Kingston Hospital Dhaka Address Phone Number and Doctor List

Name: Dr. Amit Roy Chowdhury
Degree: MBBS, MRCP (UK) MD (Neurology) Consultant Neuromedicine
Visiting Hours: Sat, Mon & Thursday: 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Available in Kingston Hospital Dhaka

Name: Dr. M.A Momen Khan
Degree: MBBS, MD (Neuromedicine) BSMMUFINS (India) Fellow, Neurointervention & Stroke Max Institute of Neuroscience
(New Delhi) Assistant Professor, Neuromedicine Department National Institute of Neurosciences & Hospital Sher-E-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka.
Visiting hours: Sun, Tue & Thursday: 4:30 PM to 7:00 PM
Specialist in Gastroliver

Name: Brig. Gen. Prof. Dr. S A M M A Hafiz (Retd.)
Degree: FCPS (Medicine), FRCP (Glasg, UK), MACP (America), OJT-CD, G-Med (AFMI), MBBS (CMC) Medicine & Gastro liver
Specialty: Specialist in Surgery

See the Kingston Hospital Dhaka Address Phone Number and Doctor List

Hitech Multicare hospital doctor list


Qualification: MD (USSR), ACGS (USSR), FCPS (FEAP) General & Laparoscopic Surgeon
Ex-Surgical Specialist in Combined medical hospital (CMH).

Name: Lt. Col. Dr. Syeda Asmema Shashi
Degree: FCPS, MS, Fellowship in Plastic Surgery
Specialist: Surgery (Plastic Surgeon)

Name: Dr. Md. Anisur Rahman
Degree: MBBS (DMC), BCS (Health), FCPS (Surgery)
Specialty: Specialist of General Surgery

Name: Dr. Lt. Col. Md. Abdul Ghani (Retd.)
Degree: MD (USSR), ACGS (USSR), FCPS (FEAP) General & Laparoscopic Surgeon
Appointment for Phone: +88-029032951

Name: Brig. Gen. Dr. Farook Ahmed Bhuiya
Degree: MBBS (DU), FCPS (Surgery)
Designation: Professor
Specialty: Surgery & Advisor Specialist
Armed Forces Medical College, Dhaka General & Laparoscopic Surgeon
CMH Dhaka Cantonment, Dhaka

Name: Dr. Major Samina Ahmed (Retd.)
Degree: MBBS (Dhaka), DGO (BSMMU) PGT-Gynae and Obs (AFMI)
Gynecologist and obstetrician Former Registrar, CMH Dhaka

Name: Dr. Tanjila Halim
Degree: MBBS (Dhaka), FCPS (Gynae & obs) Obstetrics and Gynecological
Appointment – Phone : +88-029032951

Name: Dr. Latifa Akhter
Degree: MBBS, DGO, FCPS (Gynae & Obs.) Obstetrics and Gynecological
Surgeon Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University

Name: Major Dr. Ishrat Jahan
Degee: MBBS, DGO, MCPS, FCPS (Gynae & Obs) Trained in Laparoscopic Surgery,Chennai.
Combined Military Hospital (CMH), Dhaka

Name: Prof. Col. Khaleda Khanam (Retd.)
Degree: MBBS, DGO, FCPS (Gynae & Ops) Specialist in Infertility Gyane
Cancer & Laparoscopic Surgery Prof. & Head Universal Medical College and Hospital
Ex Departmental Head CMH, Dhaka Ex Prof. Armed Forces Medical College
Specialty: Child Specialist

Name: Dr. Al Mamun Shahriar Sarker

Degree: MBBS (DU), BCS (Health) MD (Pediatrics) Newborn & Child Specialist
Dhaka Medical College Hospital

Name: Dr. Md. Mahbubur Rahman
Degree: MBBS, DCH (BSMMU) M.Sc (Nutrition & Food Science) DU
Specialty: Child & Nutrition Specialist
Designation: Assistant Professor,
Dhaka Shishu Hospital

Name: Dr. Taskina Mosleh
Degree: MBBS, FCPS (Pediatrics) Consultant
Specialty: Child Specialist
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University

Name: Dr. Farhana Noman
Degree: MBBS, DCH, BCS (Health) Consultant
Specialty: Child Specialist
Designation: Head of the Department (Child)
Kurmitola General Hospital

Name: Prof. Dr. A F M Salem
Degree: MBBS, MD, FCPS, PHD (London)
Specialty: Newborn Specialist
Health Child Health Foundation, Mirpur, Dhaka

Name: Lt. Col. Dr. Nazmul Islam Bhuiyan

Degree: MBBS, FCPS (Child), Bangalore (India)
Specialty: Child Specialist & Child Cardiologist CMH, Dhaka

Name: Dr. H M Mustafizur Rahman
Degree: MBBS, FCPS (Medicine), MD (Nephrology) Medicine, Diabetes,

Name: Dr. A.N.M. Abdul Hai
Degree: MBBS, MD (Nephrology)
Specialty: Specialist Medicine & Kidney
National Institute of Kidney Disease & Urology

Name: Md. Tufayel Ahmed
Degree: MBBS, MD ( Nephrology), BCS (Health) Consultant,
Department of Nephrology
Shariatpur Sadar Hospital

Name: Dr. Lt. Col. Mohammad Abdul Quader, BSP
Degree: MBBS (Dhaka), MS (Ortho. Surg.), NITOR (Pangu Hospital) Fellow Arthroscopy,

Name: Brig. Gen. Prof. Dr. A.K.M. Masud (Retd.)
Degree: MBBS (Dhaka), MS (Ortho), Specialized Training (India) Professor & Head (Ex.),
Department of Orthopedics
Specialty: Phaco & Eye Specialist

Name: Dr. Md. Saiful Islam
Degree: MBBS (Dhaka), DO (BSMMU), FCPS (P-II) ‘
Specialty: Eye Specialist & Phaco Surgeon Consultant,

Name: Prof. Col. Dr. Md. A.R. Siddique (Retd.)

Qualification: MBBS (Dhaka), DO (DU), FCPS (Eye) Phaco and Microsurgery (Special Trained, Kuwait)
Specialty: Eye Specialist

Name: Lt. Col. Dr. A T M Rezaul Karim, PBGMS
Qualification: MBBS, DDV, MCPS, FCPS (Dermatology) Fellow in laser Surgery (Thailand)
Post Graduate Grading Course (AFMI) Advance Training on AIDS/HIV (UN)
Department: Dermatology & Venereology (Armed Forces Medical College (AFMC)

Name: Dr. Muhammad Hassan Ali Khan
Qualification: MBBS (Dhaka), DDV (Vienna) Skin, VD Allergy Leprosy Specialist & Cosmetic Surgeon Dept.
of Skin, VD & Allergy

Name: Dr. Lt. Col. M Shafiu Alam
Qualifications: MBBS (Hor’s), FCPS (Surgery) MCPS (Surgery), FCPS (Urology) Urology,
General & Laparoscopic Surgeon Classified Surgical

Name: Dr. Md. Asaduzzaman
Degree: MBBS, MCPS (Surgery), MS (Urology), FICS (USA)
Designation: Assistant Professor

Name: Prof. Maj. Gen. Dr. Ali Akbar (Retd.)
Degree: MBBS, FCFS (BD), FCPS (Pakistan), FICS (USA) WHO Fellow (Urology)
Singapore & London Advance Course & Training (Urology), Austria, Germany,

Name: Dr. Md. Mahbubul Alam
Qualification: MBBS, BCS (Health), DLO, MCPS (ENT) Assistant Professor (ENT) Ear,
Nose & Throat (ENT)
Head Neck Surgeon National Institute of ENT,
Tejgaon, Dhaka.

Kingston Hospital Dhaka Address Phone Number and Doctor List

Name: Lt. Col. Dr. Md. Iftekharul Alam
DEGREE: MBBS, DLO, MCPS, FCPS (ENT) Post Doctoral Training in Implantation Otology
(Cochlear Implant) MERF, Chennai, India Classified Specialist in ENT,
Designation: Head Neck Surgery & Cochlear Implant Surgeon Cochlear Implant Centre

Name: Prof. Lt. Col. Dr. Anil (Retd.)

Degree: MBBS (Dhaka), FCPS (ENT) FRSH (London), FICS (USA) Professor (ENT),

Name: Lt. Col. Dr. Md. Mustafa Kamal
Degree: MBBS, MD (Cardiology) Advance Trained in Interventional Cardiology
Specialty: Specialist of Medicine, Heart disease, CMH Dhaka

Name: Prof. Dr. A K M Alamgir Kasem
Degree: MBBS, M.Fil (DU), DIH (DU) FRSH (London) D-Card, DEC (Canada) Specialist of Medicine
Heart disease Ex-Professor (MMCH/NMC), Dhaka

Name: Lt. Col. Dr. Nazat Sultana
Degree: MBBS, FCPS (Oncology) Fellowship Training in Oncology (Tata Memorial Hospital,

Name: Dr. Shakibur Rahman
Degree: MBBS, Fellow-in-Nuclear Medicine (Japan) P.H.D (Japan), M.D (Japan)
Specialty: Oncology Specialist (Cancer Specialist)

Name: Dr. Salima Ahammad
Qualification: DSU, ADM (Canada) Imaging Specialist Ultrasonograpy Department

Name: Major Retd. Dr. Rehana Begum
Qualification: MBBS, DMUD (NUB) ADMS IUT Canada Imaging Specialist Ultrasonograpy Department

Name: Dr. Md. Abdul Alim
Degree: BDS (RU) PGT (Oral & Mixecocial Surgery) PGT
(Conservative Dentist) Dhaka Dental College

Name: Dr. Md. Abdul Alim
Degree: BDS (RU), PGT (Dhaka) Oral and Dental Surgeon PGT
(Conservative Dentist) Dhaka Dental College

Name: Dr. Salima Nahar Tuly
Qualification and designation: BDS (Dhaka Dental College) PGT (Oral & Mixecocial Surgery PGT
(Conservative Dentist) Dhaka Dental College

Name: Dr. Khandoker Farha Dina
Degree: MBBS, (USTC), CCD (Bardem) CMU, MPH (Dhaka) Diabetics Specialist Kingston Hospital Ltd.

Name: Md. Ashraful Alam Prince
Degree and Designation: BPT (DU), MPH (Dhaka) PGT (NITOR-Pangu Hospital) Ex-Physio- KidZee International

Kingston Hospital Dhaka Address Phone Number and Doctor List

Male infertility symptoms diagnosis treatment and semen analysis

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