BEST Doctor In Chittagong With Chamber Location AND contacts

Chittagong city is the second-largest city in Bangladesh. Many people live in and around this city. So it is important to have good medical facilities as well as all civic amenities here. Chittagong is an important city in Bangladesh for many reasons. It is also called the commercial city of Bangladesh. Chittagong has good mosques, madrasas, schools, colleges, universities as well as several good hospitals. Specialist doctors provide treatment in these hospitals. Today we are highlighting the details of the specialist doctors of different hospitals in Chittagong. You can get good treatment from the list of doctors provided here. So below see the best doctor in Chittagong with chamber Location and Contacts.

See The Best Doctor In Chittagong With Chamber Location And contacts (Doctor’s profiles)

BEST Doctor In Chittagong With Chamber Location AND contacts

Best ENT (Ear, Nose & Throat) Doctor List in Chittagong

Many people in the country suffer from the nose, ear, and throat diseases. They need specialist ENT doctors. Because nose, ear, and throat diseases are cured through proper treatment. People of all ages need a nose, ear, and throat doctor. Below we present the list of ENT doctors in the Chittagong region.

Dr. Abdul Kaiyum

Doctor Type: Consultant & Surgeon
Department: Ear, Nose & Throat(ENT)
Specialties: Specialist in ENT

Chamber & Appointment

Hospital Name: Diasonic Diagnostic Center
Location: House: Minhaz Complex. 12, Jamal Khan Road, Chittagong.
Call For Serial and Information: 031 632980. 031 620323

Prof. (Dr.) Nil Kantha Bhatachharja

Designation: Professor
Department: Head of the department of ENT(Ear, Nose & Throat)
Institution: Chittagong Medical College & Hospital

Chamber & Phone Number

Hospital Name: CSCR Hospital, Chittagong
Consulting Hour: 11.00 AM – 1pm and 06.00 PM – 09.00 PM
Closed: Friday
For Serial and Information: 031-2554455.

Here is the Best Doctor In Chittagong With Chamber Location And contacts

Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist Doctors List In Chattogram

The women of our country are afflicted with various diseases. They need a gynecologist a lot more. Because they can tell a gynecologist about their various diseases. And in this case, the role of gynecologists and obstetricians is very important to get them good treatment. Below see the best Gynecology and Obstetrics doctor list in Chittagong.

Prof. Dr. Chowdhury Sharmila Barua

Designation: Professor
Specialty: Specialist in Gynae and Obstetrics
Department: Gynae and Obstetrics
Organization: Chittagong Medical College & Hospital

Chamber Address & Appointment
Institution: Max Hospital & Diagnostic Ltd.
Location: 35/36 Mehedibag, Room No – 215, Chittagong.
Consulting Hours: 07.00 PM – 09.00 PM
Closed: Friday
Call For Serial: 01826 108180

Professor Dr. Rinku Das

Designation: Professor
Specialty: Specialist in Gynae and Obs
Department: Gynecology & Obstetrics
Organization: Trust Medical College & Hospital

Chamber Address and Appointment
Institution: Max Hospital & Diagnostic Center
Location: Room No – 224
Consulting HOurs: 06.00 PM – 10.00 PM
Closed: Tuesday & Friday
Call For Serial: 01974 165544

Dr. Taslima Begum

DEGREE: MBBS, FCPS(Gynae & Obs), FCPS(Infertility)
Fellowship Training in Infertility & IVF(Vitro Fertilization) fro BSMMU(Dhaka) & BNCIRM(Kolkata)
Designation: Associate Professor(Rtd)
Specialty: Specialist in Gynae & Obstetrics and Infertility
Department: Gynae and Obstetrics
Organization: Sir Salimullah Medical College Dhaka

Chamber Location and Phone Number Chittagong Metropolyton Hospital Ltd.
Address: 698/752 B.O.R Nijam Road, Chittagong.
Consulting Hours: 06.00 PM – 09.00 PM
Closed: Wednesday and Friday
Mobile Phone Number For Serial: 01706 175976

Dr. Fahmida Shirin Papri

DEGREE: MBBS, BCS(Health), MS(Gynae & Obs)
Designation: Assistant Professor
Institution: Chittagong Medical College Hospital

Chamber Location and Phone Number
Woodland Diagnostic Center
Consulting Hours: 06.00 PM – 09.00 PM (Everyday)
Call For Serial: 01773414006, 01819 337735

Best Medicine Specialist Doctors in Chittagong

Medicine experts play the most important role in the field of treatment. They have the power to treat any patient, including first aid. Almost every hospital in the country has a medical specialist. Today we are highlighting the list of the best Medicine specialists in Chittagong.

Dr. Md. Hasanuzzaman

DEGREE: MBBS, FCPS(Medicine), MD(Neurology)
Specialties: Specialist in Neuromedicine
Organization: Chittagong Medical College & Hospital

Chamber Address and Phone Number
Institution: CSCR Hospital
Consulting Hours: 07.00 PM – 11.00 PM
Closed: Thursday & Friday
Call For Serial: +88031656565

Prof. Dr. M. A. Faiz

Designation: Professor
Specialties: Specialist in Medicine
Organization: Chittagong Medical College & Hospital

Chamber Location and Phone Number
Hospital Name: CSCR Hospital
Visiting Days: Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Consulting Hours: Please call to know Khorshed for Consulting Hours
Call For Serial (Khorshed): +8801812448233

Dr. Md. Mahabubul Alam Khandker

DEGREE: MBBS, BCS(Health), FCPS(Medicine), MD(Neurology)
Specialties: Specialist in Neurology & Medicine
Organization: Chittagong Medical College & Hospital

Chamber Location & Appointment System
Hospital Name: Epic Healthcare, Chittagong
Consulting Hours: 04.00 PM – 08.00 PM
Consulting Days: Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday
Call For Appointment: +88031657361

Dr. Shiuly Majumdar

DEGREE: MBBS, FCPS(Medicine), MD(Neurology)
Specialist: Neuromedicine & Medicine

Chamber Location & Phone Number
Hospital Name: Metro Diagnostic Center
Consulting Hour: 08.00 AM – 09.00 AM
Closed: Tuesday & Friday
Call For Appointment: +8801814985619

Department of the Orthopedics Specialist Doctors in Chittagong

Dr. Chondon Das

Designation: Associate Professor
Specialty: Specialist in Orthopedics
Department: Orthopedics
Consulting Hospital Name: Peoples Hospital

Prof. Dr. Imam Uddin

DEGREE: MBBS, MS(Orthopedics)
Designation: Professor
Specialty: Specialist in Orthopedics
Department: Orthopedics

Chamber Address and Phone Number
Labaid Diagnostics Chittagong
Consulting Hours: 06.00 PM – 10.00 PM
Call For Appointment: +88 0312863893

Dr. A.K.M Harun Ur Rashid

Specialty: Specialist in Orthopedics
Chamber: Popular Diagnostic Center Ltd. (Chittagong)
Call For Appointment: +88 0312863893

Best Cardiologist Doctor List In Chittagong

Professor Dr. Anwarul Hoque Chowdhury

DEGREE: MBBS, D-Card, MCPS(Medicine), MD(Cardiology)
Designation: Professor
Expertise: Cardiology & Medicine Specialist
Chamber: Chevron Clinical Laboratory Limited.
Contacts for Appointment: 01756 203720, 01719 487901

Dr. Mohammad Kafil Uddin

DEGREE: MBBS, MD(Cardiology)
Specialties: Cardiology Specialist
Chamber: Chevron Clinica Laboratory Limited, Chittagong
Call For Appointment: 01756 203720, 01719 487901

Dr. M. Saleh Uddin Siddique (Uzzal)

Designation: Assistant professor
Specialist in Clinical & Interventional Cardiology

Chamber Location and Phone Number

Hospital Name: Epic Health Care Ltd. Chittagong
Consulting Hours: 07.30 PM – 10.00 PM
Call For Appointment: 031-657361

Best Urology Specialist Doctor List

Dr. Abdus Salam

DEGREE: MBBS, BCS(Health), FCPS(Surgery), MS(Urology)
Specialty: Urology Specialist
Department: Urology

Chamber Location

Hospital Name: Parkview Hospital Chittagong
Call For Appointment: 01976 022333, 0184234490

Dr. Ujjal Barua (Apu)

MBBS, BCS, FCPS(Urology)
Specialty: Urology Specialist
Chamber: Chevron Clinical Laboratory(Pvt) Ltd.
Call For Serial: 01756 203720, 01719 487901

Dr. Nasir Uddin

Designation: Assistant professor
Specialist in Urology
Chamber: Metropolitan Hospital, Chittagong

Best Dermatology/Skin Specialist Doctor List In Chittagong

Prof. Dr. Mansurul Alam

Expertise: Expertise in Skin and Venereal Disease
Designation: Professor
Department: Head of the Department of Dermatology & Venereology
Institution: Chittagong Medical College & Hospital

Chamber Location: Epic Health Care (Chittagong)
Room No – 503
Call For Appointment: 031-657361

Dr. Meherun Kabir

Skin & VD specialist
Designation: Associate Professor

Chamber Location: Ibn-Sina Diagnostic & Consultation Center
Consulting Hours: 07.00 PM – 10.00 PM
Closed: Thursday & Friday
Call For Serial: 01886 610 115, 031- 2555151-4

Dr. Md. Ziaur Rahman Bhuyan

Designation: Consultant
Department: Dermatology
Specialty: Specialist in Skin & VD

Chamber Location: Parkview Hospital Chattogram
Room No – 218
Call For Serial: 031- 657901
Mobile Phone Number: 01976 022111
Consulting Fee: 600Tk
Consulting Hours: 05.00 PM – 07.00 PM
Closed: Wednesday, Thursday & Friday

Best Neurology Specialist in Chittagong

Dr. Md. Mahabubul Alam Khandker

DEGREE: MBBS, BCS(Health), FCPS(Med), MD(Neuro)
Specialty: Specialist in Neurology & Medicine
Organization: Chittagong Medical College & Hospital

Dr. Somen Chowdhury

DEGREE: MBBS, MD(Neurology)
Specialties: Specialist in Brain & Neurology
Institutuion: Chattagram Maa O Shishu Hospital

Dr. A M Shafayet Hossain

MBBS, BCS (Health), MD (Neurology)
Neurology Specialist
Chittagong Medical College & Hospital

Dr. Mohammad Salah Uddin

DEGREE: MBBS, BCP, MD(Neurology)
Specialties: Specialist in Neurology
Institution: CMCH

Visit our website to find any good doctor in the country including Chittagong. We are always by your side with the right information. Here you can know more about Best Cardiologist Doctor List in Chittagong.

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