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    Male infertility symptoms diagnosis treatment and semen analysis

    Male infertility symptoms diagnosis treatment and semen analysis

    Male infertility symptoms diagnosis treatment and semen analysis. Peoples are want to know what is infertility problems and about Semen analysis. We are thinking about them and today discuss Infertility and Semen analysis.

    What is Infertility?

    When a couple tries for a year to have children but fails, they are thought to have infertility problems. In our society, women are generally blamed for the failure to have children. But 50 percent of men have problems with infertility. However, doctors think that the problem of male infertility is increasing day by day. And the main reasons for the problem of male infertility are the low number of sperm in the semen, lack of movement of sperm in the prescribed amount, structural defects of sperm, etc. Both husband and wife need to be tested to identify the cause of a couple’s infertility problem. The test that is done on men is called semen analysis or semen test. Because of the low cost and easy way to perform the test, the doctor will perform the test first.

    Semen test preparation and how to do it?

    Semen Analysis

    The main prerequisite for semen testing is to keep physical contact off for three to five days. The test should be done in a good laboratory as it is important to prepare the test report.

    Male infertility symptoms diagnosis treatment and semen analysis

    What is seen in the semen test report?

    Each milliliter of semen must contain at least 15 million sperm. If it is less than that, it is called Oligospermia. At least 40 percent of the sperm needs to have a movement speed. At least 30 percent of the sperm needs to move very fast. When the movement of sperm is less it is called Asthenozoospermia. At least 40 percent of the sperm must be structurally correct. The structural defect of sperm is called Teratozoospermia. In addition to the amount of semen, semen infections, etc. are seen. And if the number and quality of sperm in the semen is all right, it is called Normozoospermia.

    What are the reasons for this problem?

    Sperm are made from our non-cells or testes. If there is a circulatory problem or infection, sperm production is disrupted. Apart from that, smoking, drinking, taking drugs can cause sperm problems as well as physical disability in men. On the other hand, adulterated food i.e. formalin, lead, toxic dyes increase the problem of male infertility. Infertility can be a problem if there are hormonal differences in the body of men due to being overweight. In addition, cycling for a long time, wearing tight jeans or tight clothing, some drugs, and even talking on a mobile phone for a long time can cause problems in the number and quality of sperm in men.

    What are the tests to determine the cause?

    Preliminary tests include blood CBC, blood sugar, cholesterol, VDRL, thyroid and prolactin hormones, non-cos or ultrasonography of the testes, etc.

    What is the treatment for men with flood problems?

    The first condition of treatment is to diagnose the exact cause of infertility problems through examination. According to the diagnosis, it is possible to eliminate the problem of male infertility through medication, change of eating habits, clothing, and regular lifestyle. There is no benefit in giving medicine to the wife without removing the problem of the man. It should be kept in mind that male infertility can be a problem if there is a difference in the number of sperm in the semen, the speed of movement of the sperm, or any structural defect. In the developed world, men are advised to test their semen before marriage or before using birth control methods in married life.

    Author: Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU).

    Infertility problems in Male and Female

    Medinova Medical Services Ltd.

    Hitech Multicare Hospital