Government Hospital in Mirpur Dhaka | National heart foundation

Government Hospital in Mirpur Dhaka

One of the best Government Hospital located in Mirpur Dhaka. There situated a National heart foundation and research institute. One of the best government hospitals that are are the provide treatment for heart disease. It provides the best treatment for any heart problem is in this hospital. We provide here all details about this hospital … Read more

DMCH Neurology Cardiology Nephrology and Physical Medicine Doctors list

DMCH Neurology Cardiology Nephrology and Physical Medicine Doctors list

DMCH Neurology, Cardiology, Nephrology, and Physical Medicine Doctors list. Neurology its a branch of medicine that deals with the nervous system and its various problems of diseases. The neurology department treats and operates various neurological care. This department also provided Central, Peripheral, and automatic nervous system diseases according to the needs of patients. Doctors of … Read more

Dhaka Medical College Hospital Medicine Doctors List

Dhaka Medical College Hospital Medicine Doctors List

Dhaka Medical College Hospital Medicine Doctors List and Contacts Number with all information.  Medicine Doctors play an important role in every hospital. That’s why we have provided their information here with special importance. Dhaka medical college hospital is a large government hospital in Bangladesh. This hospital opens 24 hours. They provide all types of treatment. … Read more

List of the hospital in Dhanmondi Dhaka with address & contacts

List of the hospital in Dhanmondi Dhaka with address & contacts

The list of the hospital in Dhanmondi Dhaka. Dhanmondi is an elite area. Most of the upper classes live here. However people from almost all parts of the country come here for treatment. There are various hospitals for treatment for almost all classes starting from the upper classes. Dhanmondi area also have almost all types … Read more

Dhaka medical college hospital anatomy doctors list and contact number

Dhaka medical college hospital anatomy doctors list and contact number.

Dhaka medical college hospital anatomy doctors list and contact number. This hospital started its journey on 10th July 1946. This hospital established a new era in the history of medical education in Bangladesh. All types of Bangladeshi peoples came to this hospital for treatment. There all types of doctors are available. Dhaka Medical college hospital … Read more

EVERCARE HOSPITAL Dhaka Address Doctor List And Contacts

Apollo hospital Dhaka | Evercare hospital address and doctors list

Apollo Hospital Dhaka is a large privet hospital in Bangladesh. This is also part of the Apollo Hospital Chennai. This hospital is situated in Bashundhara Residential area. This hospital started it’s online appointment and payment service in December 2015. Apollo hospital carried out programs including in Jamuna Future park to raise awareness on the world … Read more

Hospital information in Bangladesh with contacts number

Hospital information in Bangladesh with contacts number

Hospital information in Bangladesh with contacts number. We are searching for an emergency moment where is the best hospital in our country. Which hospital is the best for treatment? Where is the nearest hospital for the best treatment from my house? We are thinking about all peoples in our country. Only for them, we make … Read more