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  • CENTRAL HOSPITAL Dhanmondi DHAKA address and doctor list

    CENTRAL HOSPITAL Dhanmondi DHAKA address and doctor list

    CENTRAL HOSPITAL DHANMONDI DHAKA ADDRESS AND DOCTOR LIST. This hospital is situated at Green road Dhanmondi Dhaka.  Central Hospital Limited started its journey in 1999. It’s the first state-of-the-art private hospital in the country.…

  • Labaid Hospital DHAKA Address Doctors Information & Contacts

    Labaid Hospital DHAKA Address Doctors Information & Contacts

    Labaid Hospital Dhaka Address Doctors Information & Contacts is now provided from our site. We also give you some important information about Labaid hospital. Like Doctor’s information, Hospital information with video, and doctor list. …

  • United Hospital Dhaka Address And Doctor List

    United Hospital Gulshan address contacts and doctor list

    United Hospital Dhaka is one of the best privet hospitals in Bangladesh. These hospitals started it’s a journey in the mid-1980s. It was originally called Continental hospital. In 2004, Continental hospital was renamed to…

  • Coronavirus symptoms prevention and protection

    Coronavirus symptoms prevention and protection

    The epidemic of coronavirus has already spread to 213 countries around the world. So we should all know about the symptoms, remedies, and protection of this Virus. If we know the symptoms and prevention…